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scorching heat发音对了吗 (第1/1页)

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第31章 scorching heat发音对了吗?

the most immediate reason for the crisis is scorching heat. the past couple of months have been even hotter than usual in South Asia. In north-west and central India average temperatures in march and April were the highest since records began 122 years ago. As a result, air-conditioners in homes and offices have been whirring away at levels not usually seen until mid-may. that has e on top of already rising demand after the easing of covid-19 restrictions and an uptick in economic activity.

发音错误:scorching heat

have been whirring away

already rising demand

covid-19 restrictions

have been even hotter

In north-west and central India average temperatures in march and April were the highest since records began 122 years ago.


主干:average temperatures were the highest.

地点状语:In north-west and central India

后置定语: in march and April是介词短语做后置定语,修饰average temperatures,不要误认为是时间状语。

时间状语从句:since records began 122 years ago是since引导的时间状语从句。
