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阿斯巴甜可能致癌 (第1/1页)

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第168章 阿斯巴甜可能致癌?

Aspartame Is a possible cause of cancer in humans, a w.h.o. Agency Says


by christina Jewett

A world health organization agency declared on thursday that aspartame, an artificial sweetener widely used in diet drinks and low-sugar foods, could possibly cause cancer.


the declaration by a w.h.o. agency of a cancer risk associated with aspartame reflects the first time the prominent international body has weighed in publicly on the effects of the nearly ubiquitous artificial sweetener.


concerns about rising global rates of obesity and diabetes as well as changing consumer preferences have resulted in an explosion of no- and low-sugar food and beverages. Around the world, the powerful beverage industry has fought long and hard against any regulatory or scientific finding that tied artificial sweetener use to risks of cancer or other health problems. Aspartame is only the latest battleground for multinational panies to push back against new studies or potential links to health risks.


“Aspartame is safe,“ Kevin Keane, interim president of the American beverage Association, said in a statement. he cited the dueling w.h.o. announcements, singling out the second panel, the Joint Expert mittee on Food Additives, that performed a concurrent review and left its remended daily intake amount unchanged. It also deemed the evidence for cancer in humans “not convincing,“ a w.h.o. summary shows.

美国饮料协会临时主席凯文·基恩(Kevin Keane)在一份声明中说道:“阿斯巴甜是安全的。”他引述了两份同样来自世卫组织却相互矛盾的声明,特别指出第二个专家组“食品添加剂联合专家委员会”(Joint Expert mittee on Food Additives)也同时进行了调研,并维持原有的每日建议摄入量不变。而且,一份世卫组织摘要也表示,上述研究显示阿斯巴甜致癌的证据“缺乏说服力”。

the American beverage Association, which represents coca-cola and pepsico, has been vocal in saying that the w.h.o.'s food additive panel— not the cancer experts— should be the lead authority evaluating aspartame.

